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Автор:  Oggy [ Чет Май 08, 2008 12:52 am ]

Майсторско летене на морския бряг - Австралия ... re=related

Автор:  krassi [ Чет Май 08, 2008 10:22 am ]
Заглавие:  Tim Travers

Choveka e pochinal ot mozachen tumor . Tuka izrovih razni neshta za nego ot drugi forumi. Filmcheto e super.

Kato se zamislia obache, ne bih se uchudil ako mozachnia tumor e bil provokiran ot niakoi udar v glavata pri kacane. Naskoro chetoh edna statia za tumorite i se okaza che te sa priako svarzani s mechanizma, po koito takanite se machat da zazdraveiat sled naraniavane.Kolkoto poveche organizma se machi da zazdravi edna rana ( vatreshna) , tolkova poveche rakovata takan se razrastva.Tova si e moia dogadka de, moje i da e imalo drugi prichini, no se vijda che choveka se e zabavliaval do maximum i e bil dobar.

Tim Travers lived in Sydney and flew around Stanwell and the northern beaches. That footage is just a snapshot of what Tim could do. I fly with a few guys who flew with Tim back then and their recollections are impressive to hear. He and some of his mates would do crazy stuff. Some things they did would make normal people shake their heads and ask "why", and other stuff (like this footage) has everyone going "wow". Tim and some of his buddies climbed the Sydney harbor bridge one evening, around midnight, and set-up his glider. He launched and landed next to the Opera House. According to his mates he was a total party animal but he was also really intellegent.
From one of his long time best mates I was told Tim died of a brain tumor. Pre 40's I believe.

Obviously by watching Tim fly it comes as no surprise he had Stanwell Tops totally wired. Apparently he and his mates would push the envelope well into unsafe territory when flying there. I asked 2 time ex Oz nats champ who flew back then about this aspect to Tims flying. He said Tim and his mates would get on the hill, fly around, get bored and then to spice things up start betting each other who could go the lowest, or the furthest north or south, over open cliff and surf, almost certain death areas. And they would pull it off.

Автор:  Hacko [ Пет Май 09, 2008 10:13 am ]


Направо ми падна ченето като видях това. Такива хора наистина са достойни да се нарекат птици. Тоя Тим видимо се чувства по-комфортно във въздуха, отколкото на земята.


Автор:  Oggy [ Пет Май 16, 2008 5:59 pm ]

V ponedelnik moga da demonstriram v Shumen 2 novi deltaplanera na Aeros
edin Target 16
edin Discus 14
V slu4ai 4e ima interes molia da mi zvannete na 0889302421 za da gi dokaram.


Автор:  Ivo27 [ Пет Май 16, 2008 9:21 pm ]

Страхотни са тея пилоти.Просто сякаш са част от крилата или крилата от тях.Невероятен контрол!

Автор:  Oggy [ Вто Май 20, 2008 10:37 pm ]
Заглавие:  Good music, nice flying

Good music, nice flying

Автор:  Oggy [ Чет Май 22, 2008 4:46 pm ]
Заглавие:  Coastal Aerobatic

Pilot: Adam Parer

Автор:  Oggy [ Пон Май 26, 2008 3:19 pm ]
Заглавие:  Ptizi i krila

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